Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

In the article “My Favourite Books of 2023”, Felix M. Simon reflects on his top book recommendations of the year, focusing largely on technological and AI-related reads. He suggests five books, offering his thoughts on each, and shares his thoughts on some non-book content as well.

  • Trading at the Speed of Light by Donald MacKenzie: A sociologically-framed exploration into high-frequency trading, algorithms, and technological advances within financial markets. This book underscores the complex interplay between technology, finance, and politics and its transformative effect on modern trading.
  • In Broad Daylight: Movies and Spectators After the Cinema by Gabriele Pedulla: First published in 2012, this work provides a comprehensive analysis of the changing nature of cinema experiences brought about by digital advancements. The book sheds light on how technology and viewer habits have been transforming the film industry.
  • The Man From The Future: The Visionary Life of John von Neumann by Ananyo Bhattacharya: A possible hagiographic piece, this work successfully portrays John von Neumann as a genius and polymath who contributed significantly to diverse fields, including mathematics, economics, and nuclear weaponry.
  • AI & Society: Spring 2022 Issue of Daedalus by James Manyika: Felix recommends this piece due to its open-access availability, and because it offers a broad variety of perspectives on AI.
  • Mantel Pieces: Royal Bodies and Other Writing from the London Review of Books by Hilary Mantel: A collection of essays notably touching on aspects of royalty, personal authenticity, and the craft of writing.

Simon also recommends non-book content such as an essay by film scholar David Bordwell on why “Die Hard” is a Christmas movie. For music, he did not find a new Christmas album he liked but recommended Londres by Oxford-based Costa Rican artist Patiño.

Simon is a renowned scholar looking closely at how AI affects journalism and the news industry, working as a Dieter Schwarz Scholar at the Oxford Internet Institute (OII). He is also a Knight News Innovation Fellow at Columbia University’s Tow Center for Digital Journalism and a research assistant at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.

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