Mon. Feb 24th, 2025


  • The silent theft of data is a growing cyber threat as personal information is leaked through undetected attacks.
  • Deception technology, such as honeypots, can help organizations proactively detect and respond to data theft.

Deception technology is essential in unmasking the silent theft of data, a prevalent cyber threat that is causing the leakage of personal information through undetected attacks. Iniel Dreyer, Managing Director of Data Management Professionals South Africa (DMP SA), highlights the increasing need for organizations to deploy deception technology to combat this silent theft of data.

Unlike ransomware attacks, the silent theft of data does not involve financial extortion. Instead, cybercriminals steal valuable data from organizations to sell on the dark web, leading to an increase in spam calls, marketing messages, and banking fraud. The Protection of Personal Information Act (PoPIA) in South Africa was designed to safeguard personal data, but it cannot address attacks that go undetected and unreported.

Deception technology works by deploying honeypots, fake assets and systems on an organization’s network that hackers perceive as real targets. When attackers target these decoys, they send alerts to the IT teams, allowing them to detect the origin of the attack and prevent any real harm from being done. This proactive approach is crucial in defending against cyberattacks and preventing unauthorized access to sensitive data.

Organizations must ensure they have a security framework in place and engage competent service providers to implement and support cyber resiliency within their environment. By taking proactive steps and deploying deception technology, companies can effectively combat the silent theft of data and protect their valuable information.

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